How to Remove Pimples for Clear Skin

Caring for the looks comes to all as a priority. Clear skin makes you look radiant and shows off your confidence with every smile. Acne, used interchangeably with pimples, is often frustrating but the right routine and skincare can help you reward a satisfying answer to the pressing question, ‘how to remove pimples fast’. Peruse below for the right understanding of how to cure pimples.

Digging out the Root Cause 

Finding a solution is necessary for any problem such as ‘how to remove pimples overnight’, but the right solution can be suggested only when the root cause is known. Some of the major causes of the occurrence of pimples include:

1. Excessive Oil: Individuals with oily skin face excessive oil secretion leading to clogged pores. This is one of the major causes of acne breakout. 

2. Bacterial presence: Certain bacteria are found prominently within the prolonged clogged pores on the skin leading to the breakout of pimples. 

3. Changes in hormones: Hormonal changes lead to a lot of fluctuations in the body one of which includes the secretion of stress hormones leading to pimples. 

4. Genetics: If the acne problem is passed in the family, you would likely experience the same. 

5. Unhealthy skincare: If you are using harsh products or causing damage to the skin due to scrubbing, cleansing is skipped out and the skin is damaged. This is also a reason for acne breakoouts.

Effective ways to cure pimples

After a clear understanding of the cause of pimples, it is easier to answer the question, ‘how to remove pimples fast’. It is possible to achieve clear skin promptly. 

1. Regular cleaning 
2. Proper medicated treatments 
3. Spot treatments 
4. Balanced diet
5. Good skincare procedures 
6. Professional guidance


Gaining back naturally clear skin is possible to help you regain your confidence and shine radiantly. Following the right treatments is crucial for the most effective results. When the situation is urgent and you need to know how to remove pimples in 5 minutes, you can simply apply an ice cube for 1-2 minutes followed by cleaning and application of the topical tube with benzoyl peroxide. You may also utilize this method if you have questions about how to remove pimples overnight. But prompt treatments are the most effective when you have a good healthy diet and proper skincare habits.

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