5 Best Home Remedies to Whiten Your Teeth

Teeth can appear yellow for many reasons, but there are multiple natural ways to reverse it. Avoiding certain foods or brushing your teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide occasionally can help in whitening your teeth. Let's first learn about the causes of the yellowing of teeth.

What causes yellowing teeth?

    Improper oral hygiene practices

    Accumulation of plaque


    Tooth injury 

    Excessive consumption of beverages like coffee and tea

Natural Ways to Whiten Teeth Instantly

Brushing teeth with baking soda:-

Baking soda is a well-known ingredient in toothpaste as it contains alkaline and natural whitening properties that help scrub away the discoloration and yellow stains from your teeth.

It makes an alkaline environment in your mouth that not only helps you polish your teeth but will also fight bacteria, remove plaque, and prevent tooth decay.

Moreover, some people worry that baking soda is harsh and might weaken their gums and teeth, but scientific studies suggest that baking is safe and effective in removing tooth stains.

Coconut oil pulling:-

Coconut oil pulling is believed to remove bacteria and plaque from the mouth, which in turn helps whiten your teeth. Swish 2 two spoons of organic and high-quality coconut oil in your mouth for 10 minutes, and make sure you don't swallow the oil because it contains bacteria and is toxic to your mouth.

Spit the oil and rinse your mouth with water, and then drink a glass of water, followed by brushing your teeth, as you normally do in the morning.

Rubbing lemon, orange, or banana peels:-

It is believed that rubbing lemon, orange, or banana peels on your teeth can help whiten teeth because citrus fruit peels have compounds like d-limonene and citric acid that can effectively whiten your teeth.

Gently rub your teeth with the peels of any of these fruits for 2 to 3 minutes. Rinse your mouth with water and brush your teeth afterward.

Activated charcoal:-

Activated charcoal can be beneficial for removing stains from your teeth. Charcoal is highly absorbent and works effectively in removing teeth pigments and stains. Not only that, it is also said that it reduces bacteria and toxins from your mouth, which helps you maintain good oral hygiene.

You can make a mouthwash by mixing activated charcoal with water. Swish this solution in your mouth for 2 to 3 minutes and spit it out. Rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Scientific evidence has found that using activated charcoal or charcoal toothpaste can whiten your teeth within 3 to 4 weeks.

There are many other options or natural ways to whiten your teeth, but always be careful while practicing any remedy, as it can lead to sensitivity. However, the best way to prevent the yellowing of teeth is to maintain good oral hygiene practices and have regular dental checkups.  

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